This website is designed to give you quick and easy access to all things related to PBIS at Belle Valley. The PBIS team's mission is to make your experience as an educator implementing PBIS in your classroom and around our school as simple and seamless as possible. Please use this site as a tool and place to find resources and support.
The PBIS Model
The PBIS model is designed to help students achieve their academic and social potential by implementing universal expectations and providing instruction to help them realize those goals. Through data collection, students will be divided into 3 tiers.
Tier 1 - 80% of the student body: The majority of our students are meeting the criteria of success by following PBIS protocol throughout the school day. These students will be rewarded quarterly for doing the right things most of the time.
Tier 2 - 15% of the student body: These are students who are struggling at times to meet the expectations set by the PBIS system. These students will be given the opportunity each quarter to retrain and master the skills needed to reach their potential.
Tier 3 - 5% of the student body: These are the students who continue to struggle to meet daily expectations. They will be put on an intervention program by the PBIS team to help them on their way to success.